Q: Are visitors allowed?

Coworkers are now free to have visitors, but we do ask that non vaccinated visitors continue to mask up. The exterior door will remain locked, so coworkers will need to meet their guests at the door.

Q: Is use of the kitchen allowed?

The kitchen is still available for use, but because kitchens are high-touch spaces, we require that all co-workers exercise extra caution here. When using the kitchen, please immediately wash your hands upon entry and before touching anything (including the kettle, water cooler, etcetera). Do not use sponges to wipe down surfaces, they are for dishes only.

For your safety, please wash all dishes before and after use. As always, you will be responsible for washing your own dishes. Alternatively, co-workers are encouraged to use paper plates and compostable utensils. These are available in the white kitchen cabinets and in the coffee / tea cart.

Surfaces in the common areas such as the kitchen and bathrooms will be wiped down periodically when we clean the space.

Q: How will the bathrooms be used?

All bathrooms have motion detection lights, so no one will need to touch switches. In the event that a light does not illuminate, simply use your elbow to turn it on. Similarly, use your elbow to turn the bathroom fans on and off. Co-workers should wash hands before using the toilet and then again after using it, and are encouraged to use paper towels to turn faucets on and off.

Q: Can coworkers use the library?

If someone wants to look at a book from the library, they can do so, but everyone must first sanitize hands before touching books. When finished with a book, co-workers will need to place the book into quarantine after handling for at least 72 hours. This will require placing the book in the white cardboard box in the bookshelf. Once you have placed the book into quarantine, please email to let us know that the book is in quarantine and we will keep track of when it was placed there. We cannot use disinfectant on books and so the only way to safely “clean” them is to put them into quarantine. 

Q: What happens if someone working at the studio becomes ill?

According to the Washington State Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control standards, any co-worker who tests positive for COVID-19 will not be allowed to work at the Studio until:

  • At least three days (72 hours) have passed since your fever has stopped without using fever-reducing medications, AND

  • Your respiratory symptoms (like coughing and shortness of breath) have improved, AND

  • At least 10 days have passed since your symptoms first started.

If you have discovered you were ill after working for some time at the Studio, please let us know. The primary contact for reporting is Alan McConchie, and the secondary contact is Kim Do.

In general, if you are ill or feel ill, even if you do not believe it to be COVID-19, please do not come into the Studio. We will refund any remaining balance on your membership for that month and suspend any payments until you are well enough to return.

Q: How frequently will the Studio be cleaned?

The Studio surfaces will be cleaned biweekly. High-touch areas will be disinfected. Co-workers are responsible for cleaning their own workspace.

If you have any additional questions about any of the items in this FAQ, or would like to schedule an onsite or video tour of the Studio, please send an email to


We have recently enacted slight changes in our policies in accordance with CDC and state guidance. We would like to share the recent changes and safety measures put in place to keep our co-workers and staff healthy! We also want to provide answers to questions you likely have about these said changes:

Q: How is Localgroup protecting co-workers and staff during the COVID-19 outbreak?

Localgroup team members take the safety of our co-workers and community very seriously and are putting into place a number of precautions during this time. This includes:

  • the separation of desks and workstations at a minimum of 6-foot distance

  • the installation of protective screens around offices

  • the provision of hand sanitizer, and tissues to all co-workers at every desk and workstation and throughout the space

  • frequent air filter changes and HVAC maintenance

  • required safety training of all staff and co-workers

  • the installation of hands-free lights and temperature controls to reduce and remove contact with high-touch surfaces

  • compostable plates and cutlery for food consumption

Please read below for more detailed information about other steps that we are taking to prevent exposures to COVID-19.

Q: How has the nature of Localgroup’s business changed since COVID-19?

Before COVID-19, Localgroup hosted public talks, presentations, meetings, and events. As a result of COVID-19, Localgroup is not hosting these activities in its physical space and will be a co-working office exclusively until further notice. You can learn about our Past Events here.

Q: Are masks required at the Studio?

Currently, the both the North Studio and the South Studio are mask optional to those who are vaccinated.

Q: What procedures are in place to make sure co-workers follow safety and health guidelines during the COVID-19 outbreak?

Localgroup Studio will provide a safety training video to all co-workers, old and new. Each co-worker must watch the video and sign a form that attests to their understanding and commitment to practicing safe work guidelines in the office.

Q: How do co-workers safely access the space?

All co-workers will be given their own physical key to the front door. Once co-workers key in, they should immediately sanitize their hands.

Q: Are phone or video calls allowed?

Phone calls at one’s workstation are allowed in both the North and South Studios. Additionally we have a reservable Phone Room behind the Kitchenette in the South Studio.

When taking a call or meeting in the Phone Room, please close the door to the room that you are in. When finished with the call or meeting, please spray the table or desk with alcohol sanitizer where you are for the next person. If a co-worker is using these spaces, please refrain from entering until they have vacated.

Q: How should coworkers track their symptoms and exposures?

We strongly encourage all coworkers to install the following apps on their smartphones, for monitoring their own symptoms, and for detecting potential exposures: